

Programs | Comments Off on Superfridge

The Superfridge program was created to maximize brand sales through increased in-store visibility by providing frozen and refrigerated brands with a point-of-purchase event that combines three key marketing elements – advertising, display and merchandising  – maximizing brand sales through increased in-store visibility.

  • Advertising, Display & Merchandising in ONE location
  • Dual Temp Unit
  • Drive Incremental Sales & Profits
  • Fully Coordinated Turn Key Program



Superfridge takes both a product and its advertising out from hiding – maximizing brand sales. High traffic locations prompt unplanned sales among shoppers who may not ordinarily buy the advertised brand or even purchase within its category. Consequently, Superfridge significantly drives incremental sales for manufacturers’ participating brands by reaching current users, new users, occasional users, and brand switchers.

tv_adTaking this ad that customers see at home…


…And putting it in the store, within arms reach of your product where they are actually making a purchase!!!

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